Website Manager


PresidentCurt Minich[email protected]
VP of AdministrationChristine Dunkel[email protected]
VP of OperationsBrandon Sisson[email protected]
SecretaryDana Adams [email protected]
TreasurerMartha Garcia[email protected]
Player AgentMichelle Minich[email protected]
Coaching CoordinatorMike Putrah[email protected]
Safety OfficerKaren Martin-Sirski[email protected]
Communications OfficerMartha Garcia[email protected]
NLL Board Members
Devon Vega
Kellie Harder
Kelsey Gause
Mike Holden
 Gil Hartwell
Heather Hartwell
Jessica Navarro


The Norco Little League Board of Directors meets monthly on the 2nd Friday from 6:00pm-8:00pm Location varies.

During Spring season this may change due to scheduled games. 

Please check the Calendar for most up to date information on Board Meetings.          


NLL will do their best to have 1 Board Member on duty for all scheduled games at Wayne Makin field.

If you have any questions, problems, or concerns please notify the Board Member on Duty -- you can radio them from the Scorekeeper's Booth for quick response.

Please remember that these Board Members are volunteers and although they may not have the exact answer for you off hand, they will get your issue addressed as quickly as possible.  

Thank you!

Click the link below to sign up for Board Member on Duty shifts.



  • Unlock the Umpire Room (key in Com Room)
  • Check to make sure the city has unlocked the bathrooms
  • Make sure the Snack Bar is staffed appropriately 
    • Saturdays: Count Petty Cash Drawer with the Snack Bar staff. Before leaving your shift, count drawer with oncoming BMOD. LEAVE ONLY PETTY CASH IN SNACKBAR. Put all other cash in the safe
  • Introduce yourself to the Snack Bar staff as well as the Manager, Umpire and Scorekeepers at each field
  • Ensure each field has 2 Game Balls and Umpires have bottled water
  • Make sure there are 1-2 paint cans at each field
  • Call for Lights, locked bathrooms, front gates, etc.
    Norco Driver:  951-545-0989

MAINTAIN: (Throughout the Day and Evening)

  • Introduce yourself to the Snack Bar staff as well as the Manager, Umpire and Scorekeepers at each field
  • Observe the games on all the fields
  • Check in with the umpires to see if they need anything
  • If a question comes up: rule books are in the score booths and Com Room.  If you are unsure about a question call:
  1. Curt Minich - League President - (714)801-9270
  • Do not allow a manager to intimidate you into making a ruling in their favor.  If you are unsure, make them wait until you can find the correct answer.
  • Be familiar with game duration, by division.
  • Check for Umpires 15 minutes prior to the start of each game.  If missing CALL NLL President and/or UIC


  • Introduce yourself to the Snack Bar staff as well as the Manager, Umpire and Scorekeepers at each field
  • Make certain that all the Score Booths are closed properly: scoreboards are turned off, windows are shut and locked, lights are off
  • Lock up all fields, score booths, equipment containers, information room, umpire room, equipment shed, and garage.  Make sure the keys to the score booths are put back in the lock-box outside the doors
  • Last teams should clean up bleachers
  • Make sure Polaris is turned off, in the garage and key is with it
  • Make sure fields are drug and bases are put away. If they are not, advise Brandon Sisson.
  • Call Norco Driver 951-545-0989 if lights are on 15 minutes after last game ends
  • Check with Snack Bar to see if they need any help and wait with them so no one is left behind alone, make sure iPad is put away properly
    • SATURDAYS: Final count of the money and put all money into safe. Put iPad away.



Apart from all other considerations, sound leadership, couched in knowledge, experience and common sense, is the greatest requirement and most exemplary qualification of the man or woman selected as president of a Little League.

While efficient organizational and administrative abilities are desirable credentials, the search for good leadership must transcend all other attributes in the adult who gives direction to the Little League movement in the local community. Dedication to the goals and purpose of Little League is inherent in the volunteer aspect of those who serve, but not everyone who serves is gifted with the quality of leadership. Presidents must reflect these qualities if they are to be of benefit to children.

The president has many responsibilities in the administration of the league. Each President is elected by, and is accountable to, the local league board of directors. Duties of a president are described within the limits of the rules and regulations, and within the local league constitution, giving each president the ability to oversee the affairs of all elements of the league.

As the chief administrator, the president selects and appoints managers, coaches, umpires and committees. As such, no person becomes a manager, coach, umpire or committee member without the approval of the president. However, all appointments are subject to final approval by the local league’s board of directors.

Importantly, the president is the officer with whom Little League Headquarters maintains contact. The president also represents the league in the District organization.

The president should be the most informed officer of the league. Each president must know the regulations under which Little League operates and in authorizing the annual application for charter, binds all members of the league to faithfully observe the regulations. Little League Baseball International Headquarters reserves the right to require a league to remove any officer who does not carry out the terms of charter application. Serious violation can result in loss of the league’s charter by action of the Charter Committee in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

Beyond the requirements of league administration, the president should personify the best public image in reflection to the community at large. Each president should take an active role in gaining support and winning friends for the league program.

The president presides at league meetings, and assumes full responsibility for the operation of the local league. The president receives all mail, supplies and other communications from the Little League Headquarters.


The Vice President of Administration shall:

a) Perform the duties of the President in absence or disability of the President, provided he or she is authorized by the President or board to act. When so acting, the Vice President shall have all the powers of that office.

b) Perform such duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board of Directors or by the President.


The Vice President of Operations presides in the absence of the President and the Vice President (Admin), works with other officers and committee members, is ex-officio member of all committees, and carries out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the president. The Vice-President will be the primary contact for the following officers:

  • Equipment
  • Safety Officer
  • UCI
  • Team-Parent Coordinator

A Vice President of Operations may manage, coach or umpire, provided they do not serve on the protest committee.


The secretary maintains a register of members and directors, records the minutes of meetings, is responsible for sending out notice of meetings, issues membership cards and maintains a record of league’s activities. The secretary reports directly to the President.


The player agent conducts annual tryouts, is in charge of player selection, assists the president in checking birth records and eligibility of players and generally supervises and coordinates the transfer of players to or from the Minor Leagues according to provisions of the regulations of Little League Baseball. Separate player agents may also be selected to oversee individual divisions within the league. The player agent must not manage, coach or umpire in the division over which he/she has authority, unless the local league has received explicit written permission to allow this from Little League Baseball International Headquarters. The player agent reports to the Vice-President (Admin)


The treasurer signs checks co-signed by another officer or director (or as directed by the local league’s constitution), dispenses league funds as approved by the board of directors, reports on the status of league funds, keeps local league books and financial records, prepares budgets, and assumes the responsibility for all local league finances. The treasurer reports to the Vice-President (Admin).


The safety officer coordinates all safety activities including supervision of ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program), ensures safety in player training, ensures safe playing conditions, coordinates reporting and prevention of injuries, solicits suggestions for making conditions safer, and reports suggestions to Little League Headquarters through the ASAP system. The safety officer reports to the Vice-President (Ops).


Norco Little League

3364 Western Ave 
Norco, California 92860
Email : [email protected]
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