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Scorekeeper's Clinic


Please contact Dana Adams

What is Scorekeeping?

Baseball scorekeeping is the practice of recording the details of a baseball game as it unfolds. 

Scorekeeping involves more than just keeping track of how many runs cross the plate. 

Scorekeeping — a system of numbers, symbols and methodology that is as much a part of the game as an old glove — is a language all its own. But it's not hard to learn. And once you're fluent in scorekeeping, you're ready to keep track of every pitch, every at-bat, every hit and every out.

These documents will help you get started or refresh your scorekeeping skills.

Score Submittal

Ready to submit the scores? 

Please email your game score and send a picture of your scoresheet and pitch count to:

Please include:


Team Name


Final score

Photo of score sheets

You are the author of the game

You are the author of the game

New scorekeepers are writing a simple book that gives the ABC’s of the game.  Record hits, runs, & outs. Make sure each player’s name is written down correctly. No need for lots of details.  Think of someone learning to read.  Make it clean, clear & easy to read. 

Connecting the dots from the 1st pitch to the last out.

As you become a more experience scorekeeper…have fun!  It’s like writing a novel.  The more details the greater the story.  Everyone matters, every position is important; every play impacts the next play.  Have a goal that if someone was to read your scorebook that wasn’t at the game they would be able to relive it through you!


  1. All players recorded in the scorebook – present or absent
  2. All outs recorded each inning – even if it’s only  1, 2, 3
  3. Record all runs – fill in the diamond on the player scoring – keep a running total
  4. Make clear pitching changes, accurate pitch counts!!!!!
  5. Sign your page – might be helpful if you include phone # or email address.

Third Team: Umpire, Scorekeeper and Pitch Counter

You are the third team . . .


Once you sit in the score booth you are no longer the parent of a player.  You are a member of the third team on the field:

  • Score Keeper – Pitch Counter – Umpires make the third team.
  • When you are in the booth you represent Norco Little League and District 72 NOT your team

Things you cannot do:

  • Tell the Coaches / Managers the player is batting out of order.
  • Take substitutions from the Coach/Manager
  • Give the pitch count when asked by the Coach / Manager (only the Umpire)
  • Cheer for your team (OK this is the hardest!!) as an impartial third team member you should not be cheering for either team.

Things you should do:

  • If Score Keeping watch the play to the end before scoring in the book
  • If pitch counting mark the pitch after it has left the pitchers hand
  • Ask for clarification from the Umpire if you do not understand the call
  • Let Umpire know if you are not ready to resume scorekeeping after a play
  • Ask for clarification of substitutions if needed


When I doubt ask!! Do not get behind on scorekeeping if you do not understand something. The Umpire is your friend!!